Session 15
So, Jade doesn’t want to take on Erika yet. So, what now?
Plot Hook
Objective: [5] Restore something broken
Adversaries: [5] Enemy horde or force
Rewards: [6] A unique item of power
Set the Scene
Complication: [4] An NPC acts suddenly
Altered Scene: [4] Normal
Pacing Move
[4] Advance a Threat
An NPC acts suddenly, to me that sounds like an excuse to have Crimson show up. Still, I feel like I need a little more inspiration. I’ll draw a card and reference Four Houses in Chaos [https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/392514/Four-Houses-in-Chaos]
Eight [Bad Luck] of Diamonds [The focus is an Object, Mental Challenges]
So, combined with the “Restore Something Broken” and the “A unique item of power”, I’m getting the idea that whatever is fixed will become Jade’s reward. This makes me think of something I could use for a Trump Card.
As for the “enemy horde” and “Advance a threat” that sounds pretty obvious to me. TEAM ROCKET!
archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/47/HeartGold_SoulSilver_Team_Rocket_Grunt.png So Jade and her Rival Crimson will stop Team Rocket, but what are they doing?
Detail Focus
[QD] Exotic (technical)
Topic Focus
[7C] Enemies (physical)
Action Focus
[6S] Harm (mystical)
So Team Rocket (Enemies) are trying to damage (Harm) a rare piece of equipment (Exotic: technical)
Guess Jade is fighting Team Rocket: I’m thinking Double Battle! Jade & Crimson v 2 rocket Grunts. Crimson only has 3 mons. So I’ll say the Rockets have 3 each. [rattata, Sandshrew, Ekans, Zubat] A leads with a [d8] 3 Sandshrew, while B leads with a [d8] 5 Ekans.
Init: Jade d10, Crimson d10, GruntA d6, GruntB d6; 5, 8, 16, 1; order is A, Crimson, Jade, B.
Sandshrew uses Swords Dance [d6, d6] 1, 6*5+1;! That is a LOT of 6s? Still, +2 to attack. Crimson sends out Mankey and uses Screech (d10, d4) 3, 3; fail! Jade sends out Magic and Uses Reflect (d10, d6)5, 11; Crit! +1 Defense and since I’m trying to remember to use Hazards and movement and stuff, I’ll have the Barrier wall off the Sandshrew. The Ekans uses Coil (d6, d6) 5, 11; crit, +1 Attack AND Defense.
Sandshrew uses Bulldoze (d6+2, d6+2) 3, 3; EKANS EYES! Mankey uses Stomping Tantrum [d10+4, d6+4] against the Ekans; 8, 5; wounded (2). Magic uses Psychic against the Ekans (d10+3, d6+3) 11, 13; crit! -1 defense and wounded! Ekans uses coil again (d6, d6) 5, 7; +1 defense (so back to normal).
The sandshrew runs around the barrier and uses Bulldoze (d6+2, d6+2) 3, 5; Hits Crimson’s Mankey (2). Crimson’s Mankey leaps onto the Barrier to gain a height advantage (+1) and then does a Low Kick (d10+1, d6+1) 8, 2; wounds (2). Magic uses Psychic on the Ekans (d10+3, d6+3) 12, 5; Ekans faints.
Grunt B Sends out a [d8] 4 Sandshrew. Now they BOTH have Sandshrews, this will be interesting.
Grunt A uses Sandstorm (d6, d6) 4, 8; summons sandstorm; Sand Veil activates, +1 defense! Crimson’s Mankey takes cover as best as he can to avoid the Hazard (so, using his move to avoid the hazard?), rolling (d10, d6?) 9, 2; success. Mankey uses Low Kick on A (d10, d6) 4, 1; fail! Magic uses his move (via Teleport) to avoid the hazard (d10, d6) Ekans eyes! Takes a wound (2); attacks with Psychic (d10+1, d6+1) 10, 5; wounds (2). B uses Swords dance (d6, d6) 2, 5; +1 attack.
A charges at Mankey and uses Bulldoze (d6+2, d6+2) 6, 5; wound (1). Mankey low kicks A (d10, d6) 7, 5; Sandshrew A faints. Magic tries uses Recover (d10, d6) 1, 8; heal (3). B uses Bulldoze on Mankey (d6+1, d6+1) 3 10, Manky faints. A sends out (d8) 8 Zubat and Crimson sends out Staryu.
Zubat flies high to avoid the sandstorm hazard then attacks the Staryu with Air Slash (d6, d6) 4, 9; wound (2). Staryu uses Cosmic Power (d10, d4) 4, 11; crit! +2 defense (6). Magic uses Psychic (d10+3, d6+3) 5, 5; Zubat wounded (2). Sandshrew B uses Bulldoze on Magic (d6, d6) 1, 2.
Zubat uses Air Slash against Staryu (d6, d6) 9, 10; FLINCH & wound (2). Staryu uses Water pulse against Sandshrew B (d10, d6) 9, 2; wounded (2). Magic uses Psychic against Zubat A (1d10+3, d6+3) 8, 8; wounded (2). B uses Bulldoze on Staryu (d6, d6) 2, 3; fail.
Zubat uses Air Slash against Staryu (d6, d6) 1, 2; fail. Staryu uses Water Pulse against Sandshrew (d10+2, d6+2) 4, 12; wound (1) and confused. Magic uses Psychic against Zubat (d10+3, d6+3) 9, 6; Zubat wounded (1). Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Staryu (d6, d6) 3, 8; Staryu wounded (1).
Zubat uses Air Slash against Staryu (d6, d6) 8, 3; Staryu faints. Magic uses Psychic against Zubat (d10+3, d6+3) 5, 5; Zubat faints. Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Magic (d6, d6) 3, 2; fail. A sends out [d8] another Zubat and Crimson sends out Charmander.
Zubat uses Air Slash against Magic (d6, d6) 1, 4; fail. Charmander uses Dragon Breath on Sandshrew B (d10, d6) 8, 4; Sandshrew faints. Magic uses Psychic on Zubat (d10+3, d6+3) 11, 3; -1 defense and wound (2). B sends out [d8] Sandshrew.
Zubat uses Air Slash against Charmander (d6, d6) 1, 4; fail. Charmander uses Dragon Breath on Sandshrew (d10, d6) 6, 1; wounded (2). Magic uses Psychic on Sandshrew (d10+1, d6+1) 7, 2; wounded (1). Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Charmander (d6+2, d6+2) 9, 4; wound (2).
Zubat uses Air Slash Against Charmander (d6, d6) 3, 4; fail. Charmander uses Dragon Breath against Sandshrew (d10, d6) 9, 10; paralyzed and wounded (). Magic uses Psychic against Zubat (d10+1, d6+1) 9, 4; wounded (2). B out of pokemon.
Zubat uses Air Slash against Charmander (d6, d6) 2, 2; fail. Charmander uses Fire Fang (d10, d6) 9, 2; wounded (1). Magic uses Psychic (d10+1, d6+1) 6, 2; Zubat faints.
Rockets are defeated, jade gains +1 XP (1) and 2 money (25)
The Rockets are driven off and the two of them are able to recover the broken equipment. [I’ll decide EXACTLY what it is later. But I’ll rule that it is some device that will let Jade use a Trump Card. Once it is fixed and she spends an Advancement Point that is.]
So Jade and Crimson drove off Team Rocket, who were trying to steal something. Since they WERE trying to steal something, I’m going to say that they were robbing a Professor. Is it Oak? (maybe: 50/50 and I’m going to use my new d20 table)
imgur.com/gallery/8yyyoWhI rolled a 15, so YES it Is Professor Oak. Ok, so Oak was in Celadon and got Robbed by Team Rocket. While Crimson and Jade managed to stop SOME of the robbery, I’ll say that Team Rocket did take something from Oak. So after being healed up, Crimson and Jade will track down Team Rocket to recover the rest of what was stolen.
So, I’m not going to roll to find the hideout. Because if Jade failed then the quest just ends. So it is just a matter of going through the dungeon. Now the question is, how to run the dungeon? Previously I’ve used the Hexflower Method and while I kind of want to do something else, I don’t really feel like making up something else. So Hex Flower it is!
i.imgur.com/K3cyKhm.pngMain thing is to keep track of what rooms Jade (and I guess Crimson) have been in.
Encounter Table
D12 Encounter
1-2 Nothing
3-4 Loot
5-6 Trap
7-8 Trap & Loot
9-10 Rocket Grunt
11-12 Rocket Leader
Hex 1: Entrance (5) Trap: do Jade or Crimson notice the trap? Research d8, d8; 13, 3; Jade notices the trap and pulls Crimson out of the way. Navigation via Research d8, d8; 4, 5; success. Move up to Hex 4.
Hex 4: (5) another Trap; spots; d8, d8; 6, 5; both avoid the trap. Navigation; d8, d8; 3, 2; LOST! Roll d6 for random direction; 2; move to Hex 8
Hex 8: (9) Rocket Grunts; double battle time; (d6/2) 4/2; they have 2 Pokemon each; d8 [1-2 rattata, 3-4 Sandshrew, 5-6 Ekans, 7-8 Zubat].
A has (2, 6) Rattata & Ekans.
B has (4, 6) Sandshrew, Ekans
Init: Jade d10, Crimson d10, A d6, B d6; 2, 4, 4, 4; roll off; 9, 2, 1;
Order is Crimson, A, B, Jade;
Crimson leads with Mankey, A with Rattata, B with Sandshrew, Jade with Big Bird.
Mankey uses Low Kick on Rattata (d10+2, d6+2) 8, 21; wound (2) & flinch. Rattata uses Tail Whip on Mankey (d6, d6) 7,4; success -1 defense (3). Sandshrew uses Swords Dance (d6, d6) 5, 10; +2 attack (2). Bird Bird uses Feather Dance on Sandshrew (d10, d6) 2, 2; fail.
Rattata uses Quick Attack (d6, d6) 4, 5; Mankey wounded (2). Mankey uses Low Kick on Rattata (d10+2, d6+1) 5, 4; Rattata (1). Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Mankey (d6, d6) 1, 2; fail. Big Bird uses Air Slash on Rattata (d10, d6) 4, 3; rattata faints. A sends out Ekans.
Crimson uses Stomping Tantrum on Ekans (d10+2, d6+2) 10, 4; Ekans crit! Wound (2) and -1 speed. Ekans A uses Coil (d6-1, d6-1) 0, 9; +1 defense. Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Mankey (d6, d6) 4, 3; with the tail whip from earlier that hits; Mankey (1). Big Bird uses Air Slash on Ekans (d10, d6) 3, 8; wound (2).
Crimson uses Stomping Tantrum on Ekans (d10+2, d6+2) 6, 3; wound (1). Ekans uses Acid (d6-1, d6-1) 1, 2; fail. Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Mankey (d6, d6) 1, 9; Mankey faints. Big Bird uses Air Slash on Ekans (d10, d6) 3, 4; Ekans faints. A sends out (d8) 2 Rattata, Crimson sends out Staryu.
Rattata uses Quick Attack on big bird (d6, d6) 5, 5; wound (2). Staryu uses Cosmic Power (d10, d6) 1, 5; +1 defense. Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Staryu(d6, d6) 3, 1; fail. Big Bird uses Air Slash on Rattata (d10, d6) 2, 1; fail.
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Big Bird (d6, d6) 1, 3; fail. Staryu uses Water Pulse on Sandshrew (d10+2, d6+2) 5, 6; wound (2). Sandshrew uses Bulldoze on Staryu (d6, d6) 3, 4; fail. Big bird uses Air Slash on Sandshrew (d10, d6) 4, 1; wound (1).
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Big Bird (d6, d6) 9, 5; wound (1). Staryu uses Water Pulse on Sandshrew (d10+2, d6+2) 4, 3; faints. Big Bird uses Air Slash on Rattata (d10, d6) 4, 7; wound (2). B sends out Ekans.
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Big Bird (d6, d6) 4, 4; fail. Staryu uses Psychic on Ekans (d10+2, d6+2) 9, 7; wound (2). Ekans uses Coil (d6, d6) 2, 2; fail. Big Bid uses Roost (d10, d6) 3, 4; heal (2).
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Big Bird (d6, d6) 2, 1; fail. Staryu uses Psychic on Ekans (d10+2 d6+2) 5, 6; wound (1). Ekans uses Coil (d6, d6) 2, 2; fail. Big Bird uses Air Slash (d10, d6) 4, 5; Ekans faints. B is out of Pokemon.
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Big Bird (d6, d6) 5, 5; Big Bird has a Toughness of 6; fail. Staryu uses Psychic (d10, d6) 4, 1; wound (2). Big Bird uses Air Slash on Rattata (d10, d6) 7, 3; wound (1).
Rattata uses Quick Attack on Bird Bird (d6, d6) 3, 2; fail. Staryu uses Psychic (d10, d6) 4, 1; Rattata faints.
+1 XP (2) and 2 money(27).
Crimson uses his own NPC items to heal up his Pokemon.
But not a Navigation Check; d8, d8; 3, 1; fail. D6 random direction; 2; wander into 12;
Hex 12; (d12) 8 Trap and Loot; can they avoid the trap? D8, d8; 3, 4; Crimson notices the trap. Loot (d100) 18 berry (2) oran berry. Navigation; d8, d8; 7, 1; pick direction. Move to hex 13.
Hex 13; (d12) 21 BOSS! They find the Rocket Boss!
Ok, so I’ll have the boss use D8 instead of d6 and have d8 for moves. I’ll also say they have 1 Master & a Toughness of 5. In short, they will be a Great Ball challenge instead of a Poke Ball challenge. I’ll say they have 3 Pokemon. So, now I have to decide what he has. I’m thinking Ekans, Zubat, and Sandshrew.
Init: Jade d10 v Boss d8; 7 v 8; Jade will lead with Magic
Ekans uses Coil (d8, d8) 3, 1; lucky me. Magic uses Light Screen (d10, d6) 8, 4; +1 defense 5 rounds.
Ekans uses Coil (d8, d8) 5, 15; crit; +1 attack & defense. Magic uses Psychic (d10+3, d6+3) 11, 14; crit! Wound (2) & -1 defense (5). Light Screen (4)
Ekans uses Bite (d8+3, d8+3)6, 7; Magic wound (2). Magic uses Psychic (d10+3, d6+3) 11, 5; crit! -1 defense (4) & wound (1). Light Screen (3)
Ekans uses Bite (d8+3, d8+3) 23, 8; crit! Magic wounded (1) & flinch. Magic uses Psychic (d10+1, d6+1) 5, 2; Ekans faints. Boss sends out Zubat. Light Screen (2)
Zubat uses Bite (d8+2, d8+2)4, 14; Magic faints. Jade sends out Hilda. Light Screen (2)
Zubat uses Poison Fang (d8, d8) 3, 11; wound (2) & poisoned. Hilda uses Ice Beam (d10+2, d6+3) 5, 5; Wound (2). Light Screen (1). Poison damage (4)
Zubat uses Air Slash (d8, d8) 1, 7; wound (1). Hilda uses Ice Beam (d10+2, d6+2) 9, 11; Zubat Frozen and wounded (1). Light Screen (0). Poison Damage (3).
Zubat uses Air Slash (d8, d8) 2, 2; fail. Hilda uses Ice Beam (d10+2, d6+2) 6, 5; Zubat faints. Poison Damage (2). Boss sends out Sandshrew.
Sandshrew uses Sandstorm (d8, d8) 2, 5; summon sandstorm; +1 evasion; hazard. Hilda uses Water Pulse (d10+2, d6+2) 8, 7; Sandshrew wounded (2). Hilda uses move to evade hazard (d6, d6) 3, 5; success. Poison Damage (1).
Sandshrew uses Swords Dance (d8, d8) 2, 1; master re-roll 12, 5; +2 attack. Hilda uses Ice Beam (d10+2, d6+2) 18, 4; wound (1) & frozen. Poison Damage (0). Hilda faints. Jade sends out Triple B.
Sandshrew uses Bulldoze (d8+2, d8+2) 9, 4; wound (3). Triple B uses Vine Whip (d10+2, d6+2) 19, 5; Sandshrew faints.
Jade gains +1 XP (3) and gains 2 money (29). Jade uses 2 revives (6) and a Super Potion (7).
Fresh off her Victory, Jade and Crimson seek to travel to the next hex; d8 d8; 3, 4; success. They will head to Hex 14.
Hex 14: (2) Nothing, NICE! Navigation; d8, d8; 1, 5; success. Head north to Hex 19.
Hex 19; (6) Trap; do they see it in time? D8, d8; 5, 4; success!
So, Jade and Crimson have reached the end of the Rocket hideout. I’m going to say they have found what ever it was that they were looking for that was stolen from Professor Oak. Now they just need to return the exact same way they came. Or Jade can just use Teleport? TELEPORT! (d10, d6) 8, 2; success!
Ok, so Jade and Crimson escape the Rocket hideout and return the stolen good to Professor Oak. Now they go back to the Pokemon Center and call it a day.
With that I’m going to call this the end of the very long session. Or maybe it just felt long because I didn’t get this session “done” in a single sitting. Owell, time for end of session recap.
First, I’ll evolve Metapod into Butterfree but I also have 3 XP left to spend. I’ll spend it on Butterfree because I want that bug to help with the Grass Gym. Sorry Hilda, but as a Water type you are kind of dead weight.
Butterfree’s current Stats are
Butters the Butterfree
Toughness: 5 Wounds: 3/3
Mastery: 1/2 XP: [2] Mastery, Toughness (2), Air Slash (1)
Ability: Shield Dust
-Quiver Dance(Bug): 1d6
-Bug Buzz(Bug): 1d6
-Air Slash(Flying): 1d4
-Stun Spore(Grass): 1d4
A part of me kind of wants to evolve Triple B or Big Bird, but I’m going to wait until they reach 10 xp, and they are both still at 8 & 9.
That said, with Big Bird, Magic, and now BUTTERS I think Jade will be ready to challenge the Grass Gym next session.